Can the University of Nebraska change at the same speed as the modern world?
Can it re-invent itself as needed to serve the state?
Is it forward-looking enough to always remain relevant?
The answers to these questions are what I broadly call the "Agility" of the university. The world is changing at a breathtaking pace, and universities will need to change and evolve to stay relevant in this changing world!
By their very nature, state universities are large and bureaucratic. This is not a criticism of the university or the state; large, private-sector entities have the same problem. It's simply a fact that any large organization of people working together is going to be inefficient and difficult to change quickly.
Jim Rogers' insider experience of managing one of the largest departments in the University of Nebraska system gives him the insight necessary to oversee university administrators as they work to effect change in the largest entity in state government.
The Agility of the university must be a key priority of all administrators of the University of Nebraska system if the university they are in charge of is to be strong, efficient, and ready to face the challenges of the modern world. Elect Jim Rogers to make sure that university administration never strays from that mandate!
Check in to this page often to see updates on Jim's understanding of university agility and how Jim will work to make sure university administration keeps the University of Nebraska as agile is possible.
Analysis of the five dysfunctions of a university governing board1/3/24: Here’s the second installment of my analysis of the five dysfunctions of a university governing board! “University governing boards shouldn't expect administration to come up with magical solutions to big problems, but sometimes a little magic is necessary." [Agility] The Second of Five Dysfunctions of a Board of Regents: The Bright Shiny Object Syndrome (substack.com)
Enrollment/retention as the de facto mission of the University of Nebraska9/25/23: Remember my Substack on enrollment/retention as the de facto mission of the University of Nebraska? Aims: How is the University of Nebraska Attempting to Implement Their De Facto Mission of "Retention?" (substack.com) Well, here is some confirmation of that fact for most all universities: What does it take to buck downward enrollment trends? (insidehighered.com) Note that the article states that the key is to focus on the mission: “Frankly, it’s not COVID or falling birth rates that are to blame [for lower enrollments] at most places. It’s mission drift” Further, they say the key for private universities is to narrow their mission and specialize: “It’s better, if you find yourself in a decline, to narrow your focus rather than the usual strategic plans with 20 objectives." But for large public universities, it's always back to the taxpayer funding trough: "For public institutions ... the key factor is almost always public funding. ... The Legislature is their biggest donor, so you need to make the right pitch to them.” The NU system is facing the same enrollment crisis as everyone else. I've been relating my experience in this area, and I will continue to share how I can help break through the administrative groupthink of always asking for more money. If elected to the Board of Regents, I will make sure the mission has the right scope to be cost efficient (AIMS), that NU administration is nimble enough to make those changes (AGILITY), and I will continuously follow up on their actions (ACCOUNTABILITY). NU administration needs a shakeup, and it's the Board of Regents job to make that happen. However, I believe the Board of Regents needs a shakeup itself as it currently doesn't show any capacity for this sort of critical review of administration. Elect me to the Board of Regents and I promise that will change! http://rogersforregent.com https://rogersforregent.substack.com